
wii fund

i had a long weekend for a change so i visited the boyfriend in knoxville. we wasted a couple of hours away playing guitar hero II. i generally don't condone the playing of playstation 2, but this game rocks so hard i almost want to buy a ps2 for myself just so i can play it at home. (put that thought aside for a moment.)

the boyfriend and i too are obsessed with getting a wii. i suggested recently purchasing a joint-custody wii that would split its time between his knoxville home and my nashville home. he pointed out that the wii (and we) may not be able to handle the long-distance relationship. but we keep joking about our future joint-custody wii and the wii fund that we will deposit our spare change in in order to raise money for said wii -- retail price about $250.

now, speaking of wii and guitar hero, it turns out that guitar hero III, which allegedly is to be released oct. 28 and feature such fabulous songs as "Paint it Black" by the Stones, "Rock and Roll All Nite" by Kiss and "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys, will be available for the wii. s-wii-t.

the wii fund begins now with the opening balance of: 16 cents

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