

because it was a pretty and relatively warmer (as in not below freezing) day yesterday, i took my lunchbreak to walk a few blocks to starbucks. i don't know why i was motivated to go to starbucks, considering i've pretty much given up fancy coffee drinks to stick solely to my first love of plain ole' coffee w/ a shot of cream and sugar, which i could get for free in the office.

while i was waiting on the barista, a lady at one of the cash registers broke out in a very get-down version of "white christmas."

it totally made my day.


Ranting said...

I love the holiday songs. Although, of course you know how I feel about this time of year.

PS-thanks for the festivus reminder! ;0)

Steven said...

That made your day?


That would've totally ruined mine.

Perception is a weird thing. ;)


spin.lizzy said...

it wasn't so much the song as the randomness of it all.