
top cowboy

i'm sorry, i'm too distracted by the fact that the top cheftestants were in the motherland tonight to think about the episode itself.

well, maybe that's not true, but i totally missed what happened in the quickfire because i was too wrapped up in thoughts of me needing to be in colorado where i belong. instead of watching them make their trouts a la crap by the creekside, i had to close my eyes and pretend i was standing right there on ajax mountain or at the maroon bells.

and what do they do upon arriving in God's country? they bitch and complain about how they don't do trout and they don't do elk and what do cowboys eat? beans, beans and beans? no hung, some cowboys are just as pretentious as you about the food that they eat.

ungrateful brats. do. not. deserve. to. be. there.


brian goes. fine, peace out. i'll miss your chatty clucking about the show. i pretty much don't care anymore who wins. i'm not really excited about any of you. why aren't there twenty rereuns of antm? i totally missed it tonight.

here are some on-topic bitches (or beefs, if you will): three contestants in the finals? THREE? if there had been three finalists in season one, lee anne would have been there and she totally deserved to be there. because there's so much talent? whatever. youz need tuh mahn uhp and get ridz ov tooo ahf dem.

and what were the sob speeches at the end? i've become a chef again ... i'm constantly being reborn ... I LOVE EVERYBODY! Wah wah wah.

p.s. doesn't valerie bertinelli look like she could be mandy moore's older sister now that she's lost all that weight? go val, you rock.
p.p.s. i'm really just cranky about having to be downtown for work tomorrow at butt-crack early tomorrow morning.

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