
diary .... uhhhhh

i'm about to head to knoxville for the third time in a week, and i can feel the calories and fat content of my past few meals going straight for my waist. sigh. i'm trying to motivate myself to go workout before i leave, but i'm so tired (and have such a big headache) that it's not going well.

this is how my fall will be. trip after trip after trip to knoxville + exhaustion - physical activity = pounds adding up. i've been through this before in the spring and last fall with my long-term out-of-town assignments. i know i have to do something now or risk yet again gaining the unwanted pounds.

so here goes. i've got a food diary. i hoped to not have to resort to obsessing over every single thing that i eat, but i have few options. and, when i have to start weight watchers in a few months (i know it's coming), it won't be such a challenge to track my points.

lets see, first entry

weight: more than anyone would guess

food eaten today: (so far) some milk and cereal, a handful of honey-wheat pretzels, a ham sandwich and an apple

physical activity: walked dogs, sat on couch, about to sit in a car for three hours.

i've got some work to do.


Anonymous said...

Okay - I don't want you to think I am stalking you, but are you "beth" who posted on Jennsylvania about Padma on Top Chef? If so, I watched it over and over on Tivo and I am pretty sure she is sad that her eye candy is gone...poor CJ.

If you are not that person...then never mind. Sorry to bother you.

spin.lizzy said...

dear jody,

see most recent post titled c.(ya) j.

your friend in top chef,
spin lizzy